
Contact Information

Feel free to get in touch with us to discuss your requirements, and our professional team will guide you through the seamless process of ordering your parts.

Cardiag Inc.

Room 2302, 23/F. Lee Garden Two,
28 Yun Ping Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong


Phone Number (United Kingdom)


Phone Number (Hong Kong)

9:00AM – 6:00PM (GMT+2)

Our Working Hours From Monday to Friday

Please pay attention! We are selling professional diagnostic equipment and tools intended for professional use. Before you try to contact us remember that we are not providing any training of how to work with these tools and equipment. We can help you to solve problems if something is not working, but if it’s working and you don’t know how to use it we can’t assist you with this. We interact every day with an extensive community of our customers, and we can’t allocate additional resources to answer questions that are not related to solving real problems or troubleshooting. Thank you.

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