Diagprog 4 FULL offer is here! Now you can buy DP 4 FULL or full update for your DP4 device for a very reasonable and motivating price. Our offer is time-limited and valid only until the 20th of June 2018. So here’s the deal. DP4 FULL version (latest software and latest hardware available at the moment of purchase) now available only for 6499 EUR (plus shipping costs). If you do have your own DP4 kit, but it is equipped with an old version of software and hardware (adapters and cables) you can update your DP4 kit just for 3000 EUR price. It doesn’t matter how old your DP4 software is, you can update it now to the latest available version. Please contact us if you need more information. Don’t forget to provide the serial number of your DP4 device when purchasing this product since every update file is compiled for every device individually.