Mercedes-Benz Diagnostic Kit

Mercedes-Benz Diagnostic kit and Scania XCOM price update

Mercedes-Benz Diagnostic kit again in stock and it is quite impressive. From now Mercedes Diagnostic kit includes SDConnect 4 diagnostic interface (with the latest firmware), compatible laptop (used), OBD2, 14-pin, 8-pin and network cables. Moreover, this diagnostic kit includes Xentry Diagnostics OpenShell (XDOS 2016/07-08 Developer), Electronic Parts Catalogue (EPC 2016/07), WIS-ASRA (2016/07 workshop information) and Vediamo 5.01.01 diagnostic software. As you can see this kit gives you everything that you might need. You can make everything from simple diagnosis to advanced programming and adaptation of various electronic modules on supported vehicles. Package available for a very reasonable price, just 999 EUR.

Another one great update or to be more precise updates related to Scania XCOM diagnostic software. First of all, we started to sell the latest version of Scania XCOM (version 2.30). And to make it more affordable, we have dropped Scania XCOM price hugely. From now you can buy this piece of Scania diagnostic software just for 299 EUR, and it’s the lowest Scania XCOM price tag ever. Scania XCOM is a compelling software package and well known by the majority of Scania maintenance professionals.

Mercedes-Benz Diagnostic kit and Scania XCOM products



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