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$64 – $217
CodiProg USB MKII is a universal EEPROM tool which allows to read, write and edit various types of EEPROM memories.
Codiprog USB MKII is a universal EEPROM tool designed to allow you to read/edit/write various types of EEPROM chips like I2C, SPI, Microwire and other. Codiprog USB MKII is easy to use due to simple USB connection to your PC and user friendly software that allows you to fully adjust necessary programming parameters like programming voltage, pull-up resistors, memory clock speed and read/write delays. With Codiprog USB MKII you can load/edit/save files like BIN/EPP/SEC. Codiprog USB MKII has an extended life cycle due to ability to upgrade its firmware and to enable new functions and add support of the new EEPROM chips for programming in near future. Codiprog USB MKII allows fast erase of all M35080 EEPROM chips (M35080, M35080-3, M35080-6, M35080-VP, M35080-V6, D80D0WQ, M35080 6, M35080 VP, M35080 V6, 160D0WQ).
Codiprog USB MKII support list
- I2C (24C01, 24C02, 24C04, 24C08, 24C16, 24C32, 24C64, 24C128, 8582C, GREEN)
- SPI (25C010, 25C020, 25C040, 25C080, 25C160, 25C320, 25C640, 25C128, 25C256)
- SP08 (M35080, M35080v6, D80D0WQ, 160D0WQ)
- Mircowire 16bit (M9306, M9346, 93C06, 93C46, 93C56, 93C66, 93C76, 93C86, 93CS56, 93CS66, 93CS76, 93CS86, 93S46)
- Microwire 8bit (93C46_8bit, 93C56_8bit, 93C66_8bit, 93C76_8bit, 93C86_8bit, Yazaki_8bit)
- Freescale / Motorola (MC68HC912D60A (2K38K), MC68HC912DC128 (0K50E), MC68HC912DG128 (5H55W), MC68HC912DC128A (3K91D), MC68HC912DG128A (3K91D), MC9S12D64 (2L86D), MC9S12DB128B (0L85D), MC9S12DG128B (0L85D), MC9S12DT128B (0L85D), MC9S12DT128B (1L85D), MC9S12DT128B (3L40K), MC9S12A128B (0L85D), MC9S12H128 (1K78X), MC9S12DG256C (2K79X), MC9S12DP256C (2K79X), MC9S12DT256C (2K79X), MC9S12H256 (1K78X), MC9S12XDP512 (0L15Y)
Codiprog USB MKII kit
- Codiprog USB MKII device
- H1/3 cable
- H3 cable
- C12/2 cable
- C14/2 cable
- Case
- Software
There were problems associated with changing the millage in the BMW CAS4 – mask 5M48H (MC9S12XEP100). From now BMW CAS4 fully supported (till version 1143 * – unit made in 43’th week of 2011 year). Soon there will be more versions added to support list. IMPORTANT: For BMW CAS4 newer version than the 1143 version, the programming can result in damage to the module CAS4 (version number CAS4 – needs to be read directly from the processor).
Weight | 0.3 kg |
Dimensions | 30 × 20 × 5 cm |
Warranty | 1 year warranty |