
Please pay attention! We are selling professional diagnostic equipment and tools intended for professional use. Before you try to contact us, please remember that we are not providing any training on how to work with these tools and equipment. We can help you to solve problems if something is not working, but if it’s working and you don’t know how to use it, we can’t assist you with this. We interact every day with an extensive community of our customers, and we can’t allocate additional resources to answer questions that are not related to solving real problems or troubleshooting. Thank you.

Tachograph Emulator manual

SCR Emulator configurator

SCR Emulator V4 NOx installation manuals

SCR Emulator V5 NOx installation manuals

SCR Emulator EURO 6 NOx installation manuals

SCR Emulator V4 EVO installation manuals

SCR Emulators and related products

Attention! SCR Emulators are illegal in some countries. You should check your local laws or laws of those countries that you might cross with your vehicle. SCR Emulator alters SCR system thus makes the vehicle to produce higher exhaust gas emissions. EURO 6 and EURO 5 vehicles equipped with SCR Emulator device will no longer match those EURO standards. Our SCR Emulators designed for countries where environmental rules are less strict, and there are no requirements for vehicles to satisfy EURO 6 or EURO 5 regulations. By purchasing any SCR Emulator, you assume full responsibility for the use of the device. It’s your personal decision to use an emulator or not. We will not accept any liability for any consequences associated with usage of SCR Emulator devices.


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