AdBlue Emulator EURO 6 NOx installation manual for Scania trucks

AdBlue Emulator EURO 6 NOx for Scania trucks is compatible only with EURO 6 type vehicles. This emulator won’t work with EURO 5 vehicles or vehicles made by other manufacturers. This installation manual describes all steps necessary for correct AdBlue Emulator device installation on compatible Scania EURO 6 vehicles. We highly recommend you to delete all DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Codes) errors from OBD (On-Board Diagnostics) system. The best option is to use Scania VCI 2 or Scania VCI 3 diagnostic scanner. If you noticed new OBD DTC errors after installation, please check the system again with the diagnostic scanner. There might be errors related to incorrect installation. For the safety reasons we highly recommend to start the installation by connecting a ground wire. This emulator doesn’t require an additional programming or learning and we sell it ready to use.

AdBlue Emulator EURO 6 NOx installation step by step

Let’s start by locating an EEC ECU (Electronic Control Unit of Selective Catalytic Reduction system). It is located in the centre of the vehicle frame. There are two big plugs and one of them is pink. You need to connect the emulator to the EEC plug, to make it properly check out the table below, it shows which wires of the emulator must be connected to corresponding wires of the plug. Please read the table carefully and make sure you really use the proper wires, you can identify them by the pin numbers of the plug.

Attention! Please connect the ground cable first! Otherwise, you can burn the emulator module!
Scania EURO 6 AdBlue Emulator installation
Emulator wire color Emulator wire function EEC plug pin number EEC plug wire color
Black Ground (-) 4 Black (thick wire)
Blue CAN High 22 Orange
Brown CAN Low 19 Black

Now you need to cut the green wire of PIN 12 in the EEC plug. Take the end of the green wire that goes to the vehicle and connect the gray wire of the emulator to it. Take the end of the green wire that goes to the EEC ECU plug and connect it with the green-yellow wire of the AdBlue Emulator module. That’s it, connection process completed.

You can control the emulator by switching it ON or OFF thru the vehicle BC.

  • Enter the vehicle BC menu and select “Vehicle Data”.
  • Then select “Diagnos/IVD”.
  • Then select “System”.
  • Then select “EEC”.
  • Now if you want to turn AdBlue Emulator ON, please read the state of ECU three times within period of 10 seconds.
  • And if you want to turn AdBlue Emulator OFF, please read the state of the ECU two times within period of 10 seconds.

The most important thing is to look after the DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) filter. After installation of the AdBlue Emulator on the EURO 6 truck you need to remove DPF (here is the DPF removal manual). Otherwise, you need to turn off AdBlue Emulator periodically once in two weeks and drive at least 500 kilometers to make the DPF regeneration possible.

Attention! AdBlue emulators are illegal in some countries. You should check your local laws or laws of those countries that you might cross with your vehicle. AdBlue emulator alters SCR system thus makes the vehicle to produce higher exhaust gas emissions. EURO 6 and EURO 5 vehicles equipped with AdBlue emulator device will no longer match those EURO standards. Our AdBlue emulators designed for countries where environmental rules are less strict, and there are no requirements for vehicles to satisfy EURO 6 or EURO 5 regulations. By purchasing any AdBlue emulator, you assume full responsibility for the use of the device. It’s your personal decision to use an emulator or not. We will not accept any liability for any consequences associated with usage of AdBlue emulator devices.


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