Diagprog 4 updates

Diagprog 4 limited time offer

Diagprog 4 available just for 6499 EUR. It’s a limited time offer. This Diagprog 4 offer valid until September 30th. You’ll get the latest hardware and software kit that is available at the moment of purchase. To make this offer even better we offer all software updates that released till September 30th for FREE. As you may know, DP4 is the one of the most powerful odometers programmer and tester available on the market. It’s the fourth generation of Diagprog and one of the most efficient mileage programmer that money could buy.

Diagprog supports a broad range of vehicles made by European, Japanese, Korean and American vehicle manufacturers. This tool can save you a lot of time and money. Complete package with detailed documentation makes your work flawless. Suitable for personal use and large vehicle maintenance workshops. Regular updates make this tool actual even if you need to work with brand new car models.

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